Sherman Free Library, Port Henry, NY, Board Meeting Minutes February 14 2023

Sherman Free Library

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Sherman Free Library, March 23rd, 2023

In Attendance: Sue Nephew, Kris Jarrett, Gail Baker, Joe Kazlo, Tara Orr, Shane Thelan, Betty LaMoria, Tom Scozzafava, Vickie Sargent, Chris Gibbs

Meeting opened at 4:10 pm

Motion to accept minutes made by Gail, second by Chris, passed unanimously.

Directors Report by Kris J.:

State report has been completed and submitted with help from CEF, has been reviewed by CEF and submitted to the State of NY. The state may have questions re: 2021 numbers as some errors were found while doing this year. Some new data collection measures are being put in place to make the report process next year more streamlined.

Numbers: 164 people through the library in February; not bad given the weather. Facebook reach: just under 3000 people in the last 30 days, 15 new followers: almost at numbers of old page.

Thank you to Barbara for covering Kris’ vacation.

We have a new volunteer, Linda Horizny, coming in for a few hours on Thursdays. Spring hours have started: Tue Noon-7, Wed Noon-4, Thursday Noon-7, Friday Noon-5, Saturday 10-2. Folks have been taking advantage of the evening hours already. Recommend smoothing hours out, make it easier to remember. Noon-6 on weekdays? Keep these hours year-round? Perhaps a patron survey would help narrow things down.

Events and Programing: Planning to start Evening at the Library next month, will have an April/May schedule set within the next week. Spring Volunteer Day has been set for Earth Day, Saturday, April 22nd. Times TBD. Joe will contact Jamie Wilson re: truck and dump. Tom ok’s waiver of dump fees for the day.

Physical Plant: Last storm of the year took out the power and the generator did not turn on. It worked fine for the other storms of the year. Breakers and fuses have been checked. No history of service is known. Will be reaching out to various companies for service. Tom recommends the dealer in Middlebury.

Fire extinguishers and alarms have been inspected and have passed for the year.

The fire alarm system is close to 20 years old now, the parts are made by a company which is no longer in business. Mahoney has come in and drafted a quote to replace the system as it exists. They have also done a quote to replace the fire system and add an entry system. It may not be needed, but the time to make the addition is when the fire system is replaced. (see attached quotes) Sue asks about exterior cameras and motion lights. Kris explained that outside items are not part of this quote, Kris recommended that we could do that ourselves, Tom indicates that we already have camera coverage due to our location. Perhaps a motion light could be an easy upgrade. There is already a light that could have a motion sensor added. Sue would like to vote on the proposed replacement of the fire system at the next meeting. 

Kris explained that the printer is having issues with streaking, cleaning has not helped, a company will be contacted to come in and check it out. 

New patron cards have arrived and have our new webpage printed on them

Kris has loaned a small refrigerator for use during special events and day to day lunches. 

Kris askes that the board review the board contact spreadsheet and update any contact information that has changed. 

Old Business: Check from Solvay is in the mail. Tom mentioned that they would like a small exhibit on the site in the library. Also that they are working on a video of the site, could the library be a site to show the finished product. Historic research company will be documenting the site prior to demolition. They will share the information from this process with the town and the library. A donation of $12,500 will be given to the library (half of the total donation to the Iron Center/Town). Sue stated that this money will go into the bank and serve as seed money for a restroom. Tom and Betty report that the history research crew will be into the library for their work in the coming week. Tom reports that large amounts of artifacts from the Mill are in the hands of the county now. 

Sue met with representatives from the school who have decided not to hold the library vote at the same time as the school vote proper. We will be holding the vote for the appropriation here at the library on 5/23/22 from 1-8 pm. The school will hire two election officials to facilitate the vote. Simple majority of votes cast is needed to pass. Tom asks if the legality of doing a separate vote has been checked, Sue reports that it has, by the school. Sue will be interviewing with the Sun in the coming days. Talking points were reviewed and a plan to write a letter to all patrons was made. 

Brief budget review. Tom questions why only $400 is being made yearly on the endowment of $100k. Should an investment expert be looking over our portfolio? 

Motion to adjourn to Chris, second by Betty. 
